Award Winning Teen Influencer & US based artist Catherine Chloe Olivia on “Change is a Choice” & “Never Let it Go”!

We caught up with US based artist Catherine Chloe Olivia in anticipation of her latest new entries being released on the 15th October next month. She explains that the unique part of her music, is it’s honesty with all the artists songs and lyrics written based on her emotions and her journey to date. Songs which for Olivia hold a very special message which she is keen to share with her fans. She opens up how her greatest challenge to date has been learning to deal with those who want to halt your career in its tracks. Not to mention having to focus on her school work, which she admits is a lot to juggle with!

Change is a Choice & Never Let it Go

Her two songs “Change is a Choice” & “Never Let it Go” mean a great deal to the artist, she explains. With the former her first to be published…

Change Is a choice and all the lyrics are the things I always told myself whenever I want to give up, I told my self “tomorrow will be bright, make It a whole new world right now” and these lyrics do cheers me up, so I want to use this song to encourage people and make them believe In themselves!

Never let It go is the second song Olivia released, based on her story, how she grew up, people telling her “she can’t do just give up”. She takes herself back to this little girl who had the self determination and unwavering belief to keep going in spite of the knock backs. A song, the artist openly admits to being her favourite production to date due to the message behind the lyrics.

Olivia points to her family as her main inspiration and her biggest supporters. Seeing her Aunt performing live only strengthen her dream of following in her footsteps as a child. Catherine explains that she used to be affected by bullying majorly growing up. Something she admits to only being able to open up about now.

She explains that back in 2019, when her social media started to really get traction, she started receiving a large amount of hate messages. This continued through to High School at the beginning of 2020. “I got bullied for how I look how my body look, I got bullied about social media channel, my songs”, essentially a feeling of being judged for simply breathing, she explains. Going onto highlight how this led to having to take up therapy due to the depression & anxiety caused. Catherine explains how she slowly started to realize that there are people who truly care and love her for who she is, and that is all that matters. 

I want to let other teens out there know, nowadays, bullying sadly happens often, whether you are an influencer or just a normal kid at school. That it’s so important to talk to someone you trust as holding in your emotions will only destroy you a bit at a time, until there is nothing left!

Catherine goes onto point out that going to therapy does not mean you are wrong. It does not mean you are sick, but in fact is a great way to express yourself. To remember there are people who love you, so focus your energy on those that want to see you succeed! Her advice for those looking to make music a career, is to enjoy the process. Highlighting that if this is something you love and want to spend the rest of your life pursuing, then go for it! To believe in yourself, your music and be confident within your own abilities to make it happen!

The artist is currently working on a number of songs and a new music video. With 3 new songs planned for release before the end of 2021! #watchthisspace

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